A Property
- Canonical URL:
- Check for open issues.
Content features of the resource, such as accessible media, alternatives and supported enhancements for accessibility. Values should be drawn from the approved vocabulary.
Example 1
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
- <div>
- <dl>
- <dt>Name:</dt>
- <dd>Holt Physical Science</dd>
- <dt>Brief Synopsis:</dt>
- <dd>NIMAC-sourced textbook</dd>
- <dt>Long Synopsis:</dt>
- <dd>N/A</dd>
- <dt>Book Quality:</dt>
- <dd>Publisher Quality</dd>
- <dt>Book Size:</dt>
- <dd>598 Pages</dd>
- <dt>ISBN-13:</dt>
- <dd>9780030426599</dd>
- <dt>Publisher:</dt>
- <dd >Holt, Rinehart and Winston</dd>
- <dt>Date of Addition:</dt>
- <dd>06/08/10</dd>
- <dt>Copyright Date:</dt>
- <dd>2007</dd>
- <dt>Copyrighted By:</dt>
- <dd>Holt, Rinehart and Winston</dd>
- <dt>Adult content:</dt>
- <dd>No</dd>
- <dt>Language:</dt>
- <dd>English US</dd>
- <dt>Essential Images:</dt>
- <dd>861</dd>
- <dt>Described Images:</dt>
- <dd>910</dd>
- <dt>Categories:</dt>
- <dd>Educational Materials</dd>
- <dt>Grade Levels:</dt>
- <dd>Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade</dd>
- <dt>Submitted By:</dt>
- <dd>Bookshare Staff</dd>
- <dt>NIMAC:</dt>
- <dd>This book is currently only available to public K-12 schools and organizations in the
- United States for use with students with an IEP, because it was created from files
- supplied by the NIMAC under these restrictions. Learn more in the NIMAC Support Center.</dd>
- </dl>
- <div class="bookReviews">
- <h2>Reviews of Holt Physical Science (0 reviews)</h2>
- <div class="bookReviewScore">
- <span>0 - No Rating Yet</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
- <p>
- This example shows the addition of Accessibility metadata. Although these properties are not
- a formal enumeration, there is evolving consensus amongst accessibility experts for
- appropriate values for these properties. This example shows simple text values,
- as suggested by
- </p>
- <div itemscope="" itemtype="">
- <meta itemprop="bookFormat" content="EBook/DAISY3"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="largePrint/CSSEnabled"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="highContrast/CSSEnabled"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="resizeText/CSSEnabled"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="displayTransformability"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="longDescription"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="alternativeText"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityControl" content="fullKeyboardControl"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityControl" content="fullMouseControl"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noFlashingHazard"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noMotionSimulationHazard"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noSoundHazard"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityAPI" content="ARIA"/>
- <dl>
- <dt>Name:</dt>
- <dd itemprop="name">Holt Physical Science</dd>
- <dt>Brief Synopsis:</dt>
- <dd itemprop="description">NIMAC-sourced textbook</dd>
- <dt>Long Synopsis:</dt>
- <dd>N/A</dd>
- <dt>Book Quality:</dt>
- <dd>Publisher Quality</dd>
- <dt>Book Size:</dt>
- <dd><span itemprop="numberOfPages">598</span> Pages</dd>
- <dt>ISBN-13:</dt>
- <dd itemprop="isbn">9780030426599</dd>
- <dt>Publisher:</dt>
- <dd itemprop="publisher" itemtype="" itemscope=""><span itemprop="name">Holt, Rinehart and Winston</span></dd>
- <dt>Date of Addition:</dt>
- <dd>06/08/10</dd>
- <dt>Copyright Date:</dt>
- <dd itemprop="copyrightYear">2007</dd>
- <dt>Copyrighted By:</dt>
- <dd itemprop="copyrightHolder" itemtype="" itemscope=""><span itemprop="name">Holt, Rinehart and Winston</span></dd>
- <dt>Adult content:</dt>
- <dd><meta itemprop="isFamilyFriendly" content="true"/>No</dd>
- <dt>Language:</dt>
- <dd><meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en-US"/>English US</dd>
- <dt>Essential Images:</dt>
- <dd>861</dd>
- <dt>Described Images:</dt>
- <dd>910</dd>
- <dt>Categories:</dt>
- <dd><span itemprop="genre">Educational Materials</span></dd>
- <dt>Grade Levels:</dt>
- <dd>Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade</dd>
- <dt>Submitted By:</dt>
- <dd>Bookshare Staff</dd>
- <dt>NIMAC:</dt>
- <dd>This book is currently only available to public K-12 schools and organizations in the
- United States for use with students with an IEP, because it was created from files
- supplied by the NIMAC under these restrictions. Learn more in the NIMAC Support Center.</dd>
- </dl>
- <div class="bookReviews" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">
- <h2>Reviews of Holt Physical Science (<span itemprop="reviewCount">0</span> reviews)</h2>
- <div class="bookReviewScore">
- <span><span itemprop="ratingValue">0</span> - No Rating Yet</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
- <p>
- This example shows the addition of Accessibility metadata. Although these properties are not
- a formal enumeration, there is evolving consensus amongst accessibility experts for
- appropriate values for these properties. This example shows simple text values,
- as suggested by
- </p>
- <div vocab="" typeof="Book">
- <meta property="bookFormat" content="EBook/DAISY3"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="largePrint/CSSEnabled"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="highContrast/CSSEnabled"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="resizeText/CSSEnabled"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="displayTransformability"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="longDescription"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="alternativeText"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityControl" content="fullKeyboardControl"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityControl" content="fullMouseControl"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="noFlashingHazard"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="noMotionSimulationHazard"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="noSoundHazard"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityAPI" content="ARIA"/>
- <dl>
- <dt>Name:</dt>
- <dd property="name">Holt Physical Science</dd>
- <dt>Brief Synopsis:</dt>
- <dd property="description">NIMAC-sourced textbook</dd>
- <dt>Long Synopsis:</dt>
- <dd>N/A</dd>
- <dt>Book Quality:</dt>
- <dd>Publisher Quality</dd>
- <dt>Book Size:</dt>
- <dd><span property="numberOfPages">598</span> Pages</dd>
- <dt>ISBN-13:</dt>
- <dd property="isbn">9780030426599</dd>
- <dt>Publisher:</dt>
- <dd property="publisher" typeof="Organization"><span property="name">Holt, Rinehart and Winston</span></dd>
- <dt>Date of Addition:</dt>
- <dd>06/08/10</dd>
- <dt>Copyright Date:</dt>
- <dd property="copyrightYear">2007</dd>
- <dt>Copyrighted By:</dt>
- <dd property="copyrightHolder" typeof="Organization"><span property="name">Holt, Rinehart and Winston</span></dd>
- <dt>Adult content:</dt>
- <dd><meta property="isFamilyFriendly" content="true"/>No</dd>
- <dt>Language:</dt>
- <dd><meta property="inLanguage" content="en-US"/>English US</dd>
- <dt>Essential Images:</dt>
- <dd>861</dd>
- <dt>Described Images:</dt>
- <dd>910</dd>
- <dt>Categories:</dt>
- <dd><span property="genre">Educational Materials</span></dd>
- <dt>Grade Levels:</dt>
- <dd>Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade</dd>
- <dt>Submitted By:</dt>
- <dd>Bookshare Staff</dd>
- <dt>NIMAC:</dt>
- <dd>This book is currently only available to public K-12 schools and organizations in the
- United States for use with students with an IEP, because it was created from files
- supplied by the NIMAC under these restrictions. Learn more in the NIMAC Support Center.</dd>
- </dl>
- <div class="bookReviews" property="aggregateRating" typeof="AggregateRating">
- <h2>Reviews of Holt Physical Science (<span property="reviewCount">0</span> reviews)</h2>
- <div class="bookReviewScore">
- <span><span property="ratingValue">0</span> - No Rating Yet</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
- <script type="application/ld+json">
- {
- "@context": "",
- "@type": "Book",
- "accessibilityAPI": "ARIA",
- "accessibilityControl": [
- "fullKeyboardControl",
- "fullMouseControl"
- ],
- "accessibilityFeature": [
- "largePrint/CSSEnabled",
- "highContrast/CSSEnabled",
- "resizeText/CSSEnabled",
- "displayTransformability",
- "longDescription",
- "alternativeText"
- ],
- "accessibilityHazard": [
- "noFlashingHazard",
- "noMotionSimulationHazard",
- "noSoundHazard"
- ],
- "aggregateRating": {
- "@type": "AggregateRating",
- "reviewCount": "0"
- },
- "bookFormat": "EBook/DAISY3",
- "copyrightHolder": {
- "@type": "Organization",
- "name": "Holt, Rinehart and Winston"
- },
- "copyrightYear": "2007",
- "description": "NIMAC-sourced textbook",
- "genre": "Educational Materials",
- "inLanguage": "en-US",
- "isFamilyFriendly": "true",
- "isbn": "9780030426599",
- "name": "Holt Physical Science",
- "numberOfPages": "598",
- "publisher": {
- "@type": "Organization",
- "name": "Holt, Rinehart and Winston"
- }
- }
- </script>
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 2
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
- <img src="png"
- alt="standards. toothbrushes. don't ask" longdesc="927desc.html">
Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
- <figure itemscope itemtype="">
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="textAlternative">
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="longDescription">
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noFlashingHazard">
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noMotionSimulationHazard">
- <meta itemprop="encodingFormat" content="image/png">
- <img src="png"
- alt="standards. toothbrushes. don't ask" longdesc="927desc.html">
- </figure>
Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
- <figure vocab="" typeof="CreativeWork">
- <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="textAlternative">
- <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="longDescription">
- <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="noFlashingHazard">
- <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="noMotionSimulationHazard">
- <meta property="encodingFormat" content="image/png">
- <img src="png"
- alt="standards. toothbrushes. don't ask" longdesc="927desc.html">
- </figure>
Example 3
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
- [A basic presentation in HTML]
Example encoded as Microdata embedded in HTML.
- <main itemscope itemtype="">
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="FlashingHazard"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noMotionSimulationHazard"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityHazard" content="noSoundHazard"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="longDescription"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityFeature" content="alternativeText"/>
- <meta itemprop="encodingFormat" content="text/html"/>
- <meta itemprop="encodingFormat" content="image/png"/>
- <meta itemprop="encodingFormat" content="text/css"/>
- <meta itemprop="encodingFormat" content="text/javascript"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityAPI" content="ARIA"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityAPI" content="UIA"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityControl" content="fullKeyboardControl"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityControl" content="fullKeyboardControl"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityControl" content="fullKeyboardControl"/>
- <meta itemprop="accessibilityControl" content="fullMouseControl"/>
- <!--...slide content...-->
- </main>
Example encoded as RDFa embedded in HTML.
- <div vocab="" typeof="CreativeWork">
- <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="FlashingHazard"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="noMotionSimulationHazard"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityHazard" content="noSoundHazard"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="longDescription"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityFeature" content="alternativeText"/>
- <meta property="encodingFormat" content="text/html"/>
- <meta property="encodingFormat" content="image/png"/>
- <meta property="encodingFormat" content="text/css"/>
- <meta property="encodingFormat" content="text/javascript"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityAPI" content="ARIA"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityAPI" content="UIA"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityControl" content="fullKeyboardControl"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityControl" content="fullKeyboardControl"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityControl" content="fullKeyboardControl"/>
- <meta property="accessibilityControl" content="fullMouseControl"/>
- <!--...slide content...-->
- </div>
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
- <script type="application/ld+json"> {
- "@context" : "" ,
- "@type" : "CreativeWork" ,
- "accessibilityHazard" : [
- "FlashingHazard" , "noSoundHazard" ,
- "noMotionSimulationHazard" ] ,
- "accessibilityFeature" : [
- "alternativeText" , "longDescription" ] ,
- "encodingFormat" : [
- "text/html" , "image/png" ,
- "text/javascript" , "text/css" ] ,
- "accessibilityAPI" : [
- "ARIA" , "UIA" ],
- "accessibilityControl" : [
- "fullKeyboardControl" , "fullTouchControl" ,
- "fullVoiceControl" , "fullMouseControl" ]
- } </script>
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 4
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
- A graphic novel book example.
- See also
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
- <script type="application/ld+json">
- {
- "@context": "",
- "@type": "Book",
- "name": "Some graphic novel",
- "accessMode": ["textual", "visual"],
- "accessModeSufficient": [
- {
- "@type": "ItemList",
- "itemListElement": ["textual", "visual"],
- "description": "Text and images"
- },
- {
- "@type": "ItemList",
- "itemListElement": ["textual"],
- "description": "Text with textual alternatives and descriptions for images"
- }
- ],
- "accessibilitySummary": "Visual elements are not described."
- }
- </script>
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 5
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
- A second example.
- See also
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
- {
- "@context": "",
- "@type": "Movie",
- "accessMode": ["auditory", "visual"],
- "accessibilityFeature": ["audioDescription", "captions"],
- "accessModeSufficient": [
- {
- "@type": "ItemList",
- "itemListElement": ["textual", "visual"],
- "description": "Closed captioning"
- },
- {
- "@type": "ItemList",
- "itemListElement": ["auditory"],
- "description": "Audio description"
- }
- ],
- "accessibilitySummary": "Captions provided in English; short scenes in French have English subtitles instead."
- }
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.
Example 6
Example notes or example HTML without markup.
- A third example.
- See also
Example encoded as JSON-LD in a HTML script tag.
- {
- "@context": "",
- "@type": "Book",
- "name": "Alice in Wonderland",
- "accessMode": ["auditory", "textual", "visual"],
- "accessibilityFeature": ["alternativeText", "synchronizedAudioText"],
- "accessModeSufficient": [
- {
- "@type": "ItemList",
- "itemListElement": ["textual"],
- "description": "See the text"
- },
- {
- "@type": "ItemList",
- "itemListElement": ["textual", "visual"],
- "description": "See the text and images"
- },
- {
- "@type": "ItemList",
- "itemListElement": ["auditory"],
- "description": "Hear the text and image descriptions"
- },
- {
- "@type": "ItemList",
- "itemListElement": ["auditory", "visual"],
- "description": "Hear the text and see the images"
- },
- {
- "@type": "ItemList",
- "itemListElement": ["auditory", "visual", "textual"],
- "description": "Hear the text and see the text and images"
- }
- ],
- "accessibilitySummary": "Short descriptions are provided; long descriptions of the images are not needed for most readers."
- }
Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.